Tuesday 4 October 2011

Money Making Online In India

Hello Indians, first of all I would like to thank you for visiting my blog. As an introduction, i founded this blog in earlier 2009 & from that day onwards i am serving as a part-time entrepreneur working from home. Basically, I am a software engineer full-time & you know it’s really hard to find spare time for working with my online businesses. I started this blog with no aim but it’s growing faster day-by-day….Lets hope for the best in future.
Okay, let’s come to the topic of making money online.
You should know that Internet has the major flexibility for every individual to start their own online business especially spending less time. The advantages of working with online business are, you could work from anywhere and work at anytime as per your convenient. So i am taking advantageous of that flexibility, why not you ?
Yes, i will help you here to understand and to take the right steps in making money from Internet. Don’t worry, I don’t ask you money ! Also, it is true that there are real ways to make money from Internet & it’s extremely possible.

The requirements are Time & Knowledge. You should find time daily to work & you should have the knowledge like How To do ? Where To Do ? Always, I advice in my blog, Believe In Yourself because Internet has many fraudulent sites that promises to help you making money but finally just steals your money without giving back anything.Here are the original methods for making money….(without even spending 1 Rupee).
Welcome !
Welcome !
image: dwanzy58
I am going to brief the 2 most successful methods of making money: Blogging & Affiliate Marketing. At the end of this article, you will find more methods for making money from Internet that may require you to spend money or without spending money.

Money Making From Blogs in India.

There are numerous ways to make money from Internet, not all the methods are real
or not all the method works. You have to find and locate the best method that helps you in making money. Such a real method is Blogging…

Introduction To Blogs.

To define, a blog is a web site to share your thoughts, ideas, tips, even your person life and anything about you like to share online.
It’s like a dairy or your scrap book, you could write about any topic as hobby & anytime you feel convenient. People can blog for many reasons but ultimately you should know that blog makes you money too. There are no restrictions; any one can start a blog even from India or any where from the world FOR FREE.

Indian Bloggers.

Now-a-days, blogs are very popular in this Web 2.0 era. More and more bloggers are coming everyday and in a minute 100′s & 1000′s of new blogs are being created. You could check Technorati for the State of blogosphere.
In India, there are many successful bloggers who are running useful blogs which helps everyone on a particular topic. And these Indian bloggers are making decent money too. To mention, Amit Agarwal a full time blogger who owns Labnol.org is earning several 1000$ everyday from blogging. This Indian Bloggers Directory shows few Indian bloggers who are registered there and there are several more successful bloggers who are unknown to me or you from India.
So let’s learn about blogging & making money from blogs.
To summarize, the idea is to choose a blog topic, create a free blog, write useful content regularly, sign up with money making programs, get traffic (more visitors) to your blog from search engines & credit your earned money to bank account.

Choose Blog Topic.

First step, you have to choose a blog topic. As I mentioned earlier, you could choose any blog topic that you love. Select a topic that you are more interested to write because you have to keep on writing useful content on that topic. I am interested to right about online business and hence i started a blog on that topic.
To suggest, you could write about India, Indian cricketers, Indian celebrities, Indian Sports, Indian business etc. Or in the other front, write about programming languages, about software technology, hardware technologies, automobiles, arts, latest trends etc.
Once your topic is ready, go to Blogger.com and create a free blog. Select a good blog name, few examples are like myjavatips.blogspot.com, guitarteacher.blogspot.com, indiatrendz.blogspot.com etc.
Here is a video that helps you on, how to create a blogger blog ?

Write Useful Content.

Your blog is up in Internet and you are ready to start your business life. You have to write useful articles on your blog. Write whatever you know in-and-around the topic. Don’t think about money first, concentrate on your blog and try to help the visitors who are coming to your blog with useful stuffs. This is the Secret of Blog Growth.  Even this is a very big article of me & it helps you providing useful information. If you don’t have time to read this article fully, better bookmark this page (press Ctrl+D).
The following articles may help you to improve your new blog.
Its not a magic, it takes time (few months) to grow. I suggest you to have a writing habit daily and keep on publishing useful articles on your blog.
Is it possible to earn money without doing any work in this world ? The answer is, NO. Without doing any work, you cannot earn money. You have to work.
Once you have 50+ (for example) articles, for sure your blog will be useful for a visitor who is looking for information. That means you are well established on your topic. For sure at this stage, you will get good number of visitor’s at least 50-100 visitors per day.
Learn Search Engine Optimization from Google which helps you to gain good traffic from search engines (esp. Google). SEO is optimizing your blog and content for search engine traffic. You have to play a bit with keywords and that’s interesting too.
This is the right time to think about money. Lets see how to setup your blog to make money ?

Sign up For Money Making Programs.

There are plenty of opportunities to make money from your blog. Even I have compiled a big List of Money Making Programs that you could refer in future. The most proven methods are Pay-per-click advertising and Affiliate marketing. For now, I will recommend few programs which are good in payments.
  • Pay-per-click Advertising – This is displaying Advertisements on your blog. Whenever a visitor clicks on the ad, you will be paid money for that click (usually, 0.05$ per click). So if your blog generates more number of clicks then you will make more money. Join Google Adsense, Adbrite, Kontera which are the most popular PPC networks which are contextual (ie. displays ads related to your blog topic). I would recommend starting with Konetra & Adbrite, get used to PPC Ads then move to Google Adsense. Komli, Ads For Indians are few of the best Indian PPC networks to mention. For example, if your blog gets 1000 visitors per day and 200 visitors are clicking on the Ads then you will earn 200 x 0.05 = 10$ per day. In a month, 10$ x 30 = 300$ per month. At the same time, if your blog gets 4000 visitors per day then you will make 1200 $ per month (approx. Rupees 54,000) which is a huge income for an Indian. That’s great right :-) That’s why, it needs hard work.
  • Selling Products – This is about selling digital products (DVD’s, books, ebooks etc.) on your blog. Select products which are related to your blog topic and put them for sale. For every sale, you will be paid a percentage of money as commission. Join Amazon Associates, Clickbank which are the best Affiliate Networks which offers varieties of digital products and pays good commission (5% to 75%). It’s simple to integrate Amazon products on your blogger blog. See the below video.
A final thought, blogging is fun and it needs patience. You have to work everyday writing articles on your blog topic so that your blog gets more visitors day-by-day. The number of visitors coming to your blog decides its income. All this won’t happen in a day or two, even i am blogging here for more than a year to reach this level. But for sure, blogging is fun and definitely you will make decent monthly income from blogs !

Money Making From Affiliates In India.

Same like blogging, you could make money from affiliates in Iindia. Affiliate marketing is one of the best and easiest method for making money (if you follow the right steps). This article helps on how to become an affiliate marketer yourself in Internet.

Introduction To Affiliates.

Affiliates are the one who sells others product. The idea is simple, you have to sell others product and you will earn commission for each sale. Products are usually digital products like DVD’s, ecourses, ebooks, software tools etc on any topic. So the amount of income depends on what product? And how you are selling the product wisely ?
To know, there are no restrictions in Internet and you could even sell a product in US or Canada sitting in Chennai or Bangalore (or a village) from India. That’s the interesting part of affiliate marketing. You don’t even need a blog or a web site.
Generally, you will earn 5% to 75% commission on each product sale. Say for example, if you sell 1 ebook for 50$ then at 50% commission, you will earn 25$ per sale. And if you sell 10 ebooks in a month, you will earn 25$ X 10 = 250$ (approx. Rupees 11,250). That’s definitely a great income to average Indian. So the value of the product and the number of sales decides your amount of income.
Okay, let’s see how to do all these….

Joining Affiliate Networks From India.

Affiliate Networks are the place where you will find others products. You could join the affiliate network free of cost and you have to select a product. The major affiliate networks are Clickbank, Commission Junction, Google Affiliate etc. AffiliateCurry is one of the best Indian affiliate network that I know. I would recommend you to join Clickbank because it has huge number of products on various categories and it’s easy to operate for a beginner like you. Join Clickbank, you have to fill your details name, address (to receive cheque :-) ) etc.

Selecting Affiliate Products That Makes Money.

Now you are into Clickbank and the next step is finding a product. Finding a hot product in clickbank is simple. Every product has a gravity value. Gravity is the frequency of sales happening for that product in Internet. The more gravity to a product means, its selling good in Internet. So find a product which has higher gravity. At the same time, a high gravity product has more affiliates like you and hence there will be more competition in Internet to sell that product. So it is advisable to take a product which has medium gravity and more important it should be useful to buyer.
Select any product anything like weight loss products, costume products to computer software’s that you find worth to the buyer. Click the Promote icon shown near to each product, it gives you a hop link. Using that link, you have to promote that product for sale.

Selling Affiliate Products To The World.

Selling the product in Internet is not a tough job. There are two methods to sell, one using free Article Marketing and second using Paid search advertising. Let’s see them in detail.
  • Free Methods of Selling – Article marketing is the method of writing articles related to the affiliate product and submitting to article directories. You have to add the affiliate link in that article so that a reader may click on that link and buys the product. It’s free to do. You could submit your articles to Hubpages, Squidoo, which i recommend. Don’t forget to add your affiliate link in that article. Good article gets more visitors and you will get more chances for selling the product.
  • Paid Methods of Selling – You can drive traffic using paid advertising. Use Google Adwords or Yahoo Search Marketing and your Ad appears on Google search or Yahoo search, which sends traffic to your affiliate link but for every visitor you have to pay money (usually, 0.05$+ per visit).

Getting Money To Indian Bank Accounts.

In either way, PPC Ads or Selling Affiliate products, you will earn money in USD (US Dollar). All the international PPC, Affiliate Networks are giving money as cheques in USD (usually, once in a month or week). USD cheque’s are usually accepted in all banks in India like State Bank of India (SBI), ICICI, HDFC etc. A small amount of commission will be deducted, speak to your bank.
Alternatively, you could create a Paypal account which is a digital account (you have to link your credit card to it) and using that you could receive/transfer your money from others. But to mention, Google Adsense gives money only through cheque.
image: Raman
Rupees Here
Rupees Here

More Ways of Making Money Online In India.

Apart from blogging and affiliate marketing there are much more ways to make money. Below are few more methods, you could explore and take a good decision.
Freelancing Jobs.
Freelancing is working for online office. Sites like Odesk, Elance are offering online jobs and you will be paid money per-hour basis for the work done. Jobs are like Software programming, web design, data entry, copy writing and much more jobs. Joining these sites is absolutely free, create your profile and look for job offers. Only thing you should need time to work & respective knowledge to complete the offered jobs.
Domain Name Selling.
Domain names are web site names. You have to look for good domain names & register them on your name. Net4domains, Znetindia, Godaddy are good places to register a domain name (usally, less than Rupees 200 for each domain name) of yours. Then sell the domain name in Godaddy, Sedo. Generally, a good domain can go sale for more than 1000$. Find more about Making money from domain names.
Writing Articles And Earning Money.
Write articles for hubpages, squidoo which are Adsense revenue sharing sites. What ever money your article makes you will get a share (usually 50% to 60% of Adsense earnings). Hubpages are sharing the Amazon affiliate revenue & Konetra Ads revenue too. If you have writing habits then write some useful stuff and earn money. Also, it’s free to join. Find more Sites for writing articles and earning money.
Photography & Uploading Videos.
Do you have a camera ? Then take good photos and go to Shutterstock. Upload your photos. When some one downloads your photo, you will be paid money for each download. Also, if you shoot video, upload to Flixya, Metacafe and earn money based on the number of people viewing your video.
Some more ways….
  • Do Online Forex trading, this involves buying and selling currencies.
  • Can take online surveys about a product and get paid for each completed survey.
  • Join Pay-per-view sites like Clixsense, neobux and earn money for just viewing 1 minute advertisements in your free time.
  • And much more Tips for Money Making Online here….

Final Thoughts…

So we are in the end of this article, I started small but this article went as huge with ~3000 words. Hope you are clear and got better ideas about making money from Internet.
Always keep in mind that you could not earn money without doing any work. But when you understand what to do ? & how to do ? Then you will be in a clear position to do the right stuffs. You should invest Time, Knowledge & Hard Work in order to make money online without even spending 1 Rupee !
Subscribe to my blog Via Rss or Via E-mail, Get more money making tips to learn & grow in future.

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