Wednesday 21 September 2011

Easy Online Money MakingTips by Writing Articles

The pen has the power to turn a
pauper into a prince. If you have
a strong hold over your pen then
use this artistic skill to fetch you
some cash. On line writing is
getting a great prominence in
the field of web. Here you have
the opportunity to make money
once you publish your article.
Making money on-line by writing
article is very popular among
young people. It can help these
youngsters to get some extra
cash in their wallet. This would
save them from the sea of debt
as they would be able to repay
their loans on time.
This article would highlight some
important points related to the
sites where you can publish your
Text broker
Text broker gives an opportunity
for on line writing and this is a
great place to start. This is a
unique site and pays few dollars
for a post. They might pay less
but this is a place where you get
paid immediately for your work.
If the Text Broker’s staff gives
high rating on your article then
you might have bagged a chance
of getting high paying
assignment. But this site is only
open for US residents.
Speed – You get a fast result.
People who are efficient in
writing in fewer times have the
option of earning well.
Value – If you can provide a
useful content then a demand of
a handsome value is justified.
Your hard work would be paid
Quality – If you do not
compromise with the quality of
the content then you can expect
good revenue to be generated
from it.
Constant Content
If you want to promote or
market your writing skills then
Constant Content is the best place
to display your talent. Once your
article is sold then Constant
Content takes 35% commission
from the total amount you get. If
you write a 500 words article
then you might be eligible to get
$25 to $200.
Write on topics that should be
relevant to the requirement of
the buyers otherwise you might
face trouble to sell them. There is
a constant demand for custom
writing assignment among the
client of Constant Content. Try to
write on the topics that have
demand among the customers
than writing randomly which has
lesser value.
Follow the submission guideline
sincerely as they have strict
policy, if you face three rejections
then you are not allowed to write
anymore. Do you want quick
success in this field? Then take a
close look at how other writers
are marketing their titles before
you submit.
Signing up with Constant Content
is a simple process and it does
not require detailing of your
personal information.
Triond is one of those sites that
would pay you 50% of the ad
revenue that gets engendered
from your work. The articles that
are published on Triond cannot
be published in any other site as
it might be marked as a duplicate
content by Google which is
against the web law.
Before the publication of the
article an editor would review
the content.
As your articles get published on
one of their networking pages, it
would start generating ad
Any Format: If you write an
original content this website
accepts it in any format.
No specific topic: You can write
on any topic as Triond would
search for a relevant website that
would match your subject.
Promotion and Earning: This
website is a platform to promote
your content and it would
generate cash for you.
Hub Pages
Hub Page is one of the most
prominent pages on the web.
You have the option of exhibiting
your writing skills here. If the
writing skills can draw attention
then you can expect many
comments on your post. You can
post articles added with photo
and a revenue widget which can
be uploaded from E Bay and
Add photographs and writes in a
more polished way. If you add
pictures it would attract more
attention and this would help to
pull up the rank.
The article not only gets
exhibited in the social websites
but also in the social
bookmarking sites. You have the
provision of sending the links of
your article to your family and
Associated Content
Associated Content is greatly
used to publish various kinds of
content on blog, websites, news
and articles. This is where it is
different from e How as you
would earn a good amount of
cash once readers start
commenting on your posts and
as they click on the Google ads
displayed on the pages.
Based on the quality of the article
the Associated Content pays $3 to
$20 for each article. They stress
on quality of the article based on
spellings, grammars as well as on
But remember if you are a non-
legal resident of US then no
payment would be made out to
The way you get paid with
Associated Content:
Open an account with the Pay pal
pay pal also provides a debit card
How long Associated Content
takes to pay the writer?
As you submit your article, it
immediately goes for a review
which doesn’t take more than 1
to 5 days. Once it is checked and
approved you get the cash in
If you looking for cash by writing
an article then it can’t get better
than Xomba. It is on the
developing process but its
community is growing on good
pace. Xomba is similar to
Associated Content as in this case
you can almost write about
anything. And as the readers
starts visiting your post you
would start getting paid for your
Your pay would depend on the
number of visitors clicking on the
Google Ads in your posts. So try
to produce informative content
that would help the community.
Blogger Party
Blogger Party is a user friendly
website. Like the other websites
it has the same strategy of
sharing ad revenue. This site is
similar to Xomba as you would
be able to trace down whoever is
on-line and the availability of the
updated posts.
So these are the simple ways that
you can employ to earn some
cash. Use your imagination and
pen down the words that hover
in your mind. Your writing skills
can help you to earn without
putting in a lot of physical labor.
Try your hands on it and you are
bound to succeed.
Kevin is a financial writer for Oak
View Law Group, a trustworthy
bankruptcy law firm. He has
helped lots of debt burdened
people with free counseling and
advices on many finance related

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