Thursday 22 September 2011

Section One of MakeMoney Blogging andWriting Poetry: Set Up AFree Poetry Blog

As mentioned previously we are
only going to use free resources
to make money. If you have
money to spare then you may
want to start out with a
Wordpress blog and pay for
hosting. However, if you are
short on money then you can set
up a poetry blog on
which is free of charge. Most
people are scared off from
blogging by the technical aspects
however, is
extremely user-friendly and you
do not need any HTML skills to
use it. They also have an
extensive help section. I was able
to set up a poetry blog with zero
HTML skills so have no fear if you
are a technophobe. Now before
you rush off to set up your blog
you will want to keep a few
things in mind:
1. Have At Least Five Prepared
Blog Posts: You should have a
collection of poems that you can
use as your first few blog posts. I
recommend having at least five
blog posts to put up. Based on
my prior research a good rule of
thumb is to do three blog posts
within the first 24 hours of
setting up your blog. Do not get
overwhelmed it is easy to come
up with three blog posts, each
poem can be one or you can do a
brief introductory write-up or
even post a scenic image as one
of your blog posts. After that the
frequency of posting will depend
on you, most people initially do at
least two or three blog posts a
week. Personally, I do about one
blog post a week on one of my
blogs and I post more frequently
on the other.
2. Naming Your Poetry Blog and
Selecting a URL/Web Address:
You will want to think carefully
about the web address (URL) and
title of your blog. You want to
make sure that they both include
the word poetry or poems. This
is for search engine optimization.
You also want to make it
something interesting and easy
to remember and make it
relevant to what most of your
blog posts will be about. If you
will be focused on a specific
niche of poetry then make sure
your URL and blog title include
the niche topic keyword e.g. Your
URL could be: love-poetry-by- and the
Blog title could be: Romantic Love
Poetry by Your Name. If you want
to make your poetry blog more
general you may want to leave
out your name in the URL and
blog Title.
3. Hyphens versus Underscores for
URLs: Another tip for your blog
URL is to use hyphens to
separate the words versus
underscores e.g. love-poetry-by- versus
Hyphens are more search engine
friendly than underscores. This
also applies to selecting URLs for
HubPages and Squidoo which we
will cover in a later section of the
make money writing poetry
4. Keyword Research: In the
following section I will explain
how to use basic free keyword
research for your blog. You will
want to apply keyword research
when selecting a blog niche, URL
and blog title.

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