Thursday 22 September 2011

Introduction To MakeMoney Writing PoetrySeries

Most poets assume that they
cannot make money from
writing poetry. Thus, they toil
away expecting no monetary
return for their labor. However
with a little entrepreneurship
and creativity you can make
money from your poetry. In this
hub series I share with you tips
on how to make money writing
poetry . All of the money making
tips outlined in this hub series
are free to implement, so
basically I will tell you how you
can make money for free the only
thing you will need to invest is
your time and creative energy.
However, time is not really free
after all you get paid to go to
work and that is how you should
think about your poetry if you
intend to make money from it.
The money making tips outlined
in this hub series also involve
making money online therefore,
you will need access to the
internet. In part one of the series
I will discuss how to make
money blogging and writing
poetry . The other sections of the
make money writing poetry
series will deal with how to self-
publish your poetry and make
money selling poetry books, how
to make money writing poetry
on HubPages and Squidoo and
how to make money from
poetry art products, such as
poetry gifts and greeting cards.
Right, now that we have the
fundamentals out of the way
here is part one of the hub series
on how to make money writing

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