Thursday 22 September 2011

Section Three: How toUse the Results of YourKeyword Research toMake Money Bloggingand Draw Traffic to YourBlog.

1. Always use keyword research
when you are writing material
that you will use to draw traffic
or to make money online.
2. Use Keyword Research to select
your blog niche, blog title and
blog URL. Preferably you want to
select popular AND profitable
keyword terms.
3. Use keyword research to select
blog topic posts and write blog
posts or poems based on
profitable and popular keywords.
4. If you already have a collection of
poems for your blog posts
package them such that they fall
into a profitable keyword niche.
5. Make sure you include the main
keyword at the beginning of the
title of your blog post (so that it
will show in the URL of the blog
post) e.g. A Sad Love Poem by
Your Name: Love Lost. Keep in
mind that for branding purposes,
keyword research and search
engine optimization, the poem
niche and your name are more
important than the title of the
6. Make sure that you include your
main keyword in the body of
your blog post and in the tags.
You should also try to include
related popular keywords.
7. Once in a while do a brief
introductory write-up as part of
your poem posts, i.e. do not just
post a poem. This gives you an
opportunity to increase your
main keyword count and thus
makes it easier for search
engines and hence traffic to find
you. For example you can write
the following intro: “This love
poem was inspired by a love
affair I had in college. Like many
love poems……I hope you enjoy
reading my sad love poem about
my first love.”
8. Italicize or bold your main
keywords for search engine
9. If possible hyperlink your main
keyword to a related link. Search
engines look for bold, italicized
and linked keywords.
10. If you have more than one
paragraph in your blog post
include your main keyword in
the paragraph headings and
bold your headings.
11. Never include keywords which
are not related to your blog posts
this turns people off.
12. Whenever you write a poem
related to a specific popular topic
make sure you include the topic
keyword so that your blog will
get indexed by search engines
for that topic. E.g. each time you
write a love poem ensure you
include the word love poem in
the blog post title, blog post body
and blog post tags.

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