Thursday 22 September 2011

Section Two of MakeMoney Blogging andWriting Poetry: UseKeyword Research WhenWriting Online

A common mistake made by
many writers is writing about
topics that they are passionate
about versus writing about
popular topics. While I hate to
curtail creative freedom, you will
have to keep the popularity of
the topic in mind if you intend to
make money writing online. The
best way to find out what topics
are popular is to use keyword
research. Now note that popular
is not necessarily equal to
profitable, a topic may be
popular but have no willing
buyers, however, at the very least
it will draw traffic to your blog. In
this section I cover very basic
keyword research that I have
learnt from reading a ton of
internet marketing ebooks and
search engine optimization tips.
All of the keyword research tools
mentioned in this section are
free and easy to use.
How to Do Basic Free Keyword
1. Free Keyword Research Tools
that you can use: Google
AdWords Keyword tool and
Free Keywords Word Tracker.
Both of these keyword tools give
you search statistics but are also
good for giving you ideas for
keywords and niches that you
may not have thought of.
2. Basic rules of thumb in
determining popular search
More than 6000 searches per
month which translates to more
than 200 searches daily. You
want to look at the global
monthly search volume for the
Google AdWords Keyword tool
which tells you the average
searches per month over a
recent 12 month period for a
specific keyword. Free Keywords
tracker can give you approximate
daily searches for a keyword.
Note that they will not match
since these tools use very
different methods to gather data.
My personal preference is the
Adwords tool.
Do an Optimized Google Search
on This means
typing your search term in
double quotation marks in the
Google search box e.g. “love
poems.” This will tell you how
popular your search term is,
more search results means it’s
more popular. It will also tell you
how profitable your search term
is, if you see Google ads there is
money in that search term since
someone is actually paying for
ads for it. Lastly it will tell you
how competitive your search
term is the more the search
results the harder it is for you to
land on page one or two of
Google for that search term.
Usually with less than 10,000
Google search results it is easier
to land on page one of Google,
however, with more than 10,000
it can be relatively difficult. What
you may then want to do is once
in a while differentiate your main
keyword by adding another
word e.g. instead of just love
poems use passionate love
poems as your keyword.

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