Thursday 22 September 2011

Section 4: How to MakeMoney Blogging andHow to Monetize yourPoetry Blog

There are a number of ways in
which people make money
blogging. The success and
profitability of the money-making
method employed depends on
the amount and type of visitors
that your blog gets. It also
depends on your own initiative
and marketing skills. If your blog
attracts a low volume of traffic
but buying visitors you may want
to focus on affiliate marketing
and selling your own products
versus focusing on Google
Adsense. If you have a high
traffic blog you may want to
include Adsense and even
attempt to sell advertising space
on your blog. Once you build up
a following for your poetry, you
will definitely want to look at
creating your own poetry art
products (such as poetry books,
poetry gifts and greeting cards)
and selling them on your blog.
Later sections of the make
money writing poetry series will
cover ways in which you can
make money from selling your
poetry products. You must
always keep your core audience/
market in mind no matter which
method you choose to make
money blogging. Always think of
who the visitors to your blog are,
what they would like to read
(your blog content) and what
they would like to buy or need to
buy (the products that you will
offer for sale on your blog).
Initially you can actually try all of
the blog monetization methods
outlined below then narrow
down to the one which is most
profitable for you.
1. Make Money Blogging with
Google Adsense: Google
Adsense is one of the most
popular methods people use to
make money blogging. You
basically make money when
people click Google Ads on your
blog. You have to apply for a
Google Adsense account and
once you are approved you can
add Google ads to any of your
websites or blogs that comply
with their policies. Google
Adsense is also one of the ways
in which you can make money
writing at HubPages (which will
be covered in a later section of
the make money writing poetry
series). Applying for Google
Adsense is especially easy if you
have a Blogger blog. Make sure
you apply after you have a few
relevant blog posts.
2. Make Money Blogging by
Selling Advertising Space: If you
have enough traffic to your blog
then you can make money by
selling advertising space on your
blog. If you are good at sales and
have a reasonable target
audience then you can approach
companies and sell to them
advertising space on your blog.
You can also put a link in the
sidebar of your blog for the sale
of advertising space. Please make
sure you check the rules for the
blogging platform that you are
using to see if they allow you to
sell advertising space.
3. Make Money From Selling
Your Poetry Books and Poetry
Art Products on Your Blog: You
can use your poetry blog to
market and sell your poetry
books, your poetry art products
or any other products that you
create. Personally, the largest
share of my revenue comes from
selling my own products and the
second largest share from selling
affiliate products.
4. Make Money with Affiliate
Marketing on Your Poetry Blog:
You can sell company products
or other people’s products and
get paid a commission for each
sale that you make. You can put
links and banners to relevant
products in the sidebar of your
blog or within your blog posts.
Text links and product images
tend to be better for making
sales than banners. Once again
you want to think about who
your readership is and market
products that would be relevant
to them. Since you are running a
poetry blog think of products
that people who visit a poetry
blog would be interested in. Most
people who enjoy poetry love
reading, so books are a good
bet, they also tend to enjoy art so
you may want to sell art as well.
Alternatively you may want to
focus on affiliate products
related to your poetry niche
topic. For example if your blog or
blog post is about love poems
you may want to market
romantic gift products. Here are
the links to some good affiliate
programs for blogs: which sells books
and just about everything else,
and which you can also use to
make money on HubPages
(which will be covered in a later
section of the make money
writing poetry series). has an art
affiliate program which enables
you to sell poetry related
products like art and poetry
posters and which also provides
you with a source of images for
your blog posts. I always post an
image when I post a poem,
sometimes it is my own art and
at other times it is a poster or art
print from with a
link to buy the poster. In a later section of
the make money writing poetry
series I will discuss how you can
use to create and sell
your own poetry art products.
However, you can also make
money with their affiliate
program which enables you to
make a commission selling
products created by other poets
and artists.
SFI If you are new to affiliate
marketing and want to join an
affiliate program that teaches
you how to do affiliate marketing
and that provides an ongoing,
passive income stream then SFI is
a good affiliate program to join.
Affiliate Networks Last but not
least if you want the flexibility of
choosing from a variety of
affiliate programs then join
affiliate networks like LinkShare
that allow you to choose from a
wide variety of affiliate
That is the conclusion of part one
of how to make money writing
poetry. Hopefully, you have
enough information to start
making money from your poetry.
In future sections of the make
money writing poetry series I will
cover how to self-publish your
poetry and make money selling
poetry books, how to make
money writing poetry on
HubPages and Squidoo and how
to make money from poetry art
products, poetry gifts and
greeting cards.

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